Just 3: Ways to Develop Speech While Playing Outdoors - by Jocelyn Hrapla

Summer is winding down but there is still some time to work on a variety of skils outdoors! Do you have a little one who is just starting to talk? Here are some fun outdoor activities to help increase language in your early communicator! (Don’t forget the sunscreen!)

1. Bubbles- Bubbles are a great, fun way to increase language! You can model the action words “pop, up, and blow”. You can also target verbal requesting, focusing on the words “bubbles” and “more.”
2. Ball- Playing with a ball is not only a great way to increase language but also great to target gross motor skills! You can model various action words “throw, up, down, hit, catch, etc.” during ball play.
3. Cozy Coupe Car - This is a great toy to target the action word “go”! Initially, when your child is in the car, you can model the phrase “ready, set, go”. As your child becomes more familiar with the phrase, you can begin to fade the final word (go) while encouraging your child to verbalize it (ex: READY, SET, _______”).

Is your child struggling to form words to express themselves? Are they having difficulty following simple commands you give? Contact us to discuss your child’s speech skills.